Friday, March 23, 2007

This is it....

I have made the decision that I don't want to be fat anymore! It is so annoying, it is something that I have complete control over and something that makes me so unhappy, why do I keep making decisions that just keep me fat? I rode my bike to work today, and I am going to ride up to the gym after I am done with work and that is going to have to be my routine. Lindsay is aware of the sacrifices she will have to make in order for me to be thinner and so I think I am ready!
Anyway, things are going okay. I keep having dreams that where rodents are biting me. I had a dream last night that rats were biting me and the night before it was squirells. It was pretty intense because I woke myself up (and Lindsay) screaming. Does anyone know what rodent biting in dreams mean?
My statistics class is really annoying, its not that it is extremely hard, it is just insanely tedious. Last time in class we began a problem as class started and by the time class was over (1.5 hours later) we had not finished the same problem!! What is the test going to be like?
I hope everyone is doing well, and I hope that more people will start blogging too... seriously DAD you started this!!


Blaine said...

Ooogily boogily.

Pappy O' Daniel said...

Thin would be nice, but you are a great person at any weight. Good Luck! But don't clobber yourself mentally if you don't get the results you want. That's worse than being fat. Don't fight the rat thing, that may help with the weight thing and as Mark Twain said "There are lies, Damn lies and Statistics"