Wednesday, June 27, 2007

"Why do some people speak Portuguese?"

Lucy is starting the stage where she asks questions I don't know how to answer. We have 3 neighbors that all speak different languages to their kids. Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish. Today Lucy asked me why some people speak Portuguese. I didn't quite know how to answer. About a week ago she ask my Korean neighbor why her face is so flat. That was more than a little embarassing. Here's a few more of Lucy's one liners:

"Why are some houses white and some houses brown?" Why can't they be all colors?"

"Does everything grow, Mom?"

"Why don't we have stairs like Bobby's house?" (After I tried to explain, she said, "Well, that's annoying!"

"I can put on my own sunscream!"

"Graham's the best baby EVER!"

"I'm stepping on lots of crumbs!" (When she was walking without shoes on the sidewalk)

"Graham! You need to play over ZHERE!" (She says Z's for her TH's)

She's a funny one. She's been crackin' us up a lot lately!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Look What I Got for Father's Day.

Beth gave me this picture for Father's Day. Pretty cool Huh?

Thursday, June 21, 2007

More of Me!

Here's some more pics of the new do. I'm not vain......I just like to see pictures of myself on the computer.............

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The new look.....

Hey Everybody,

Here is the new haircut I got this afternoon. Jason isn't a fan, but I think I like it. It will take some getting used to. I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it very well. to you later!!

Friday, June 15, 2007

And Now for Your Viewing Pleasure

The home gang has been hard at work removing the old junk cars from the front yard. We even decided to remove the animal cages from the back yard and plant some grass. We don't want this Penrod chick to think (or find out) we are a bunch of hayseeds (or worse).

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

What's up y'all?

Hello one and all. It's been a while since I've posted and since I'm the only one that keeps this joke of a blog alive, I thought I'd better get busy. It's been a crazy couple weeks for the Rays. As you all know, I visited Bryan in D.C. and had a fabulous time. Chelsey cooked for us and we watched some very intense Jazz games. It was a great trip. The following week, the Wrights came to visit for a few days and then we all went to Disneyland. It was so much fun!! I would have posted some of those pictures, but we didn't take our camera, so Kalleen is mailing us a CD with copies. We swam in the pool at the hotel (Graham's first time swimming). Lucy loved talking to Cinderella. I asked her on the way home what her favorite ride was and she said it was the Tiki Room. I don't know how many remember what that is, but it's this little show they put on with birds singing and drumming and stuff. Very cute. Graham did swell, although Jason's shoulders were incredibly sore for days after lugging the 23 pounder in the baby carrier all day.
The picture of Lucy with the diploma is from her Tiny Tots graduation. Very exciting!
I hope all is well with everyone. Start preparing yourself for "The Month of the Rays" coming in August.