Monday, February 26, 2007

work work work

Hello all, I am at work today, at lunch right now, and I have exactly three minutes before I am supposed to be back on the unit. Today has been really tiring. There is a patient here who literally demands my attention every second. If I do anything for anyone else she gets really mad as is like "WHY DO THEY GET WHATEVER THEY WANT, WHEN THEY WANT IT?!" I keep trying to remind her that she is getting more than anyone else, but of course she can't see that. She loves me one second and then is screaming in my face to F#$% off. It is really great.
Things are going well, Lindsay and I did our taxes and it looks like we are going to be getting a bunch back so that is exciting. We are worried that George's toungue is attatched to the bottom of his mouth, we are going to go in and have the dr. look at it. He hates church already, I never see any of church, I am in the hall with him almost the whole time!
Three minutes up! Gotta run!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the church thing!! I can totally relate. From the time Lucy was 5 or 6 months old until nursery, we were in the hallway. We usually have to trade off so that we can at least here some things some of the time. Is he rolling over yet? Graham has diarhea really, really bad. So that's been really, really fun!