Monday, February 05, 2007

My turn...

Hello everyone!
I am starting this blog thing now too. I should have plenty of time to write things in it when I am at school and occasionally at work so it should be a good thing, and will keep you up to date on all the information I know you are all dying to know about in my life, since I am everyone's favorite.
Things are going good today. I am working. I is kind of a boring day, but I am glad because the techs in the other units are having really hard days. My patients are all really calm and easy going, a bit needy at times, but good.
George and Lindsay are doing great. George was freaking out yesterday at mom and dads. I think he is just a homebody, he calmed down a lot once we got him home. I think he might be teething too, which of course will be SO much fun!
Speaking of teething, I have a lousy dentist appointment this month that is gonna cost me an arm and a leg...I'm really excited about that too. Anyway, I'll write more later...I hope everyone is doing well. I love you all.

1 comment:

Mom said...

I must be really out of it

Zach Morris? What's the deal?