Thursday, February 15, 2007

Catching Up

Hopefully these pictures work, I am just trying to figure out this whole blogging thing and it doesn't really help much that the computer that I am on is really slow, but I think it should work alright.
HEY! Things have been going pretty normal here with Lindsay and George and I. We didn't really do much for Valentines day, we just watched some videos of our musicals from High school, Lindsay has gotten skinnier and prettier, and I have gotten uglier and fatter...kind of annoying.
School is going pretty well, except for that I HATE my statistics class, and I am in a film class where we watch rated R movies pretty much every week, usually it is just because of language though and so I guess that it easier to ignore, most of them have actually been pretty good, and if you just edited out the language I would like to see them again.
Some cool news: I entered the NATS (national association of teachers of singing) voice competition and I won first place in my division! I think I get some money and then I sing in this winners concert in the assembly hall at temple square...its kind of cool.
The concert is the day before we leave to go to CALIFORNIA! We are going to visit Maggie and Jason over spring break, we are getting excited!
Not much new, now that I know how to do all of this, I will be able to keep you posted on more daily things! I love you all!
(never mind on the picture thing, I'll have to try it again later!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I accidentally posted a comment for this one on mom's farm post. Ooops!! Check there for more info....