Monday, April 09, 2007

X-files has nothin' on us!!!!!

Well, Gramps new thing.....Our house is being bugged by the scammers!!!! He is now imagining a line leading from the cable box is the back. Yes, you read right! We are now a house under surveillance. As I write, scammers are lined up around our back yard property line. But, no need to fear, Cyril, the Church security man, is on the job. (We couldn't think this stuff up, folks.)

Never a dull moment here!!! We are enjoying having 3/4 of the Rays here. We miss seeing Jason, though. I go back to work tomorrow after a 4 day break. It will be hard to be working again.

We are excited about going to DC in May. That's about all the news here. Take care all.


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