Tuesday, April 10, 2007

My head WILL explode.

Hello folks,
You are all (except for Bryan) keenly aware of the toothache I have been suffering from the last few days. I had a hard time sleeping again last night, it wasn't until my second dose of Lortab that I was finally able to get some sleep. This morning my tooth doesn't hurt so bad but I am REALLY tired, not quite sure if that is because I didn't sleep well or if it is the effects of the pain killers.
Anyway, it has been fun having Maggie and her kids here. The only thing that would make it more fun is if Lindsay, George and Jason were here.
My stats class was canceled this morning (praise) so I have about an hour to kill here in the computer lab.
By the way, Grandpa never does crazy things while I'm there....is he scared of me or something?
Love to all you people,

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