Sunday, November 25, 2007

Happy Birthday, Beth!!!

It is Beth's 22nd birthday today. She and Jason are coming home from DC after a visit with Bryan and Chelsey. We are having her birthday dinner this afternoon.

It is hard to believe that almost a year has gone by since we were planning her wedding last year!! Our house has been very quiet since Beth left. I always had someone to visit with, and get opinions about my hair, dress, etc when she was here.

Beth has been a great youngest child in our family. She is bright and witty and thoughtful. You would think she is pretty outgoing, but she is really very shy.

I miss Beth, but I am so happy she has found a great guy!

Beth is very busy. If anyone tries to tell you that Elementary Ed is an easy major, don't believe them. Beth has hours of homework and paper writing everyday!!

We are proud of Beth and all her good work. Have a great day today!!

1 comment:

thebalifamily said...

hOLY COW I AM OLD! Happy Birthday Beth! I did realize we had so many November Birthdays! November is a good month for the greatest people in the world to to have birthdays! ha ha! Let see....In my family (Kunz) There is me (the favorite cousin and niece of them all), Benjamin Kunz, Anna Kunz. Ashlee DePhillipo's twins are in November. Lots of fun!