Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Summer is ending.

We have had a great Summer here. Lots going on and fun people came to see us!

We love having the Rays here. It is always sad to see them go. They came at the summer's beginning. It seems a long time ago. We were sad that Jason couldn't come. We notice when someone is missing!!!!

Bryan came for about a week to take the Bar exam. He was solo. We missed seeing Chels, but it was great to spend time with Bry. Bryan seemed relived to have the test over with, and start life without studying. Good news!! Bryan passed the Bar, and will be sworn in on Oct. 23rd.

We had our little Ella arrive this July. She is very cute, and is such a good little baby!!! She is good mix of the other two kids. She was blessed this last Sunday. If kisses and hugs can make a baby grow, then Ella would be 6feet tall by now!!!! Abby and Oliver never pass the baby without giving her a kiss. When they leave the house, they say "love you Mom, love you Ella"!!!!

Lindsay was in a play this Summer. She did a great job as the female lead in "Pirated Penzance". It was great for her and nice for us. We saw Blaine and George more than ever!!!! We still see Georgie some, but alas, not Blaine. He is too busy!!!

Beth went to school this Summer. She has not had a break from school, since she went to Ecuador. She is steadfast, though, and keeps up with her homework while having fun. Jason worked lots of hours and saved up for going part time this Fall!

Dad and I joined weight watchers. Dad has lost over 20 pounds, and is looking great!!! He has already dropped a pant and shirt size. Me, not as good. My clothes just look a little bigger. I have miles to drop, before I'm thin!!!

Just a little recap. We love you all and are so proud of you and your families. We are so blessed to have children and their mates that support and love us!!!
We realize how lucky we are to have everyone in our family be friends.

Thanks for all you do for us!!!!



Blaine said...

Thank you so much for everything you did for George's Birthday last night! It was so great to have you there and we LOVE the cute Halloween stuff - what a fun idea for a present! Today George keeps talking about "Bobby's house," and "Abby and Ollie." he sure loves you guys.

Blaine said...

By the way, congrats on the weight loss! You both really do look great!

Chelsey said...

This has been a tough summer for Bryan and me -- I'm kind of glad to see it end. Of course, autumn isn't looking much better...

Love you guys. Looking forward to seeing everyone over the holidays.

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.