We had a little package delivered to our house on Saturday night. Lucy and Graham got a gift from Santa and his elves! (We love Grandma and Grandpa!). The elves rang the doorbell and ran (Jason is quite the sprinter). Lucy was so excited to find the Polar Express DVD and the big bell. She was beaming from ear to ear when we read the note to her from Santa and the elves. She called and told her cousins, Abby and Oliver, about her surprise. She was so happy to find out that they had gotten a similar package.

The next day she told a few of her friends at church that "Santa is watching everyone!" On the way home from church she asked Jason, "Did the 'A''s give some to Abby and the 'O's to Oliver?" She's a little confused about the elves being elves and not 'L's (as in Lucy). So funny!
Whenever we're in the car we've been listening to Soft rock 98.9, because they're playing only Christmas music from here on out. Lucy came walking into my room singing the stations little jingle, "Sofrod....98.9!" I had to try not to laugh because I wanted her to keep doing it.
This is Graham in his brand new coat. I couldn't stop laughing as I watched him walk around. So flippin' cute! It's been a freezing 59 degrees here in Lemoore (that's cold for us....I know, we're wimps). We felt like the guy needed some gear. Especially because we're heading to Utah in 16 days! Whoopeee!

Can't wait to see you next week. I hope we have some snow so we can make the most of the new winter gear.
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