Thursday, March 15, 2007

Livin' la vida Lemoore

Hi everybody!! I had these adorable pictures that I wanted to share with everyone. We had a blast with Blaine, Lindsay and George. We went to the coast on Monday and then hit some outlets on Tuesday. I kicked some serious butt in Speed Scrabble (just kidding, Lindsay won most of the time). They left this morning before Lucy woke up. When I pulled into the garage after working out this morning, she opened the door and said, "Where did Blaine, Lindsay, and baby George go?" When I told her they went home, she cried and cried while I held her and fought back my own tears. It stinks getting back into reality today. Check out the Graham and George pictures. It's hard to believe that two babies can look so completely different and still both be so dang cute! Lucy wore her new polka dot dress that we got at the outlets. Notice her bunny slippers. She insisted on wearing them. Lucy is going through a dress/skirt phase. She will not wear pants. So, who is coming to visit next? We'll show you some fun.......even if it is in Lemoore.

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