Hello all! I just wanted to post some of our pics from our little trip to San Diego. We had a good time, although we were ready to come home to our 3 bedroom home and escape the studio hotel room. The kids and I had fun playing at the beach while Jason was in class. Graham just sat in the stroller and laughed at us playing. It was only about 65 degrees, but Lucy insisted on wearing her swimsuit and she played in the water for a couple hours at a time. One evening we were all at the beach and she was chasing a seagull and said, "I'm gonna catch that chicken!"
We went out to eat every night (courtesy of the US Navy) and went bowling on Wednesday. Lucy wanted to be sure that we let her bowl by herself. We would walk up with her and she kept telling us to back up further and further until we were nowhere near her.
Lucy has been so funny! She gave a talk in primary last week where she talked about all the beautiful things that Jesus made for us and we've had a few family home evenings on the topic, so now she always says, "Look at what Jesus made for us!" Yesterday she and Jason were making brownies and she wanted to taste the cocoa. Jason told it would be gross, but she insisted. After she ate it, she said, "Why does Heavenly Father make things taste yucky?" She's had quite a few one liners that we're trying to remember to write down for later.
It looks like fun was had by all in San Diego. Wish I had a trip coming up. It sounds like fun to get away!
Those are some cute pictures. I need to bring our camera with me to school so that I can upload some pictures of George. I'm glad you finally got home!!! My head was going to explode with all the calling I did to your house with no answers!
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