It snowed today, a lot. I really was wanting it to just be spring. Even if it had just snowed for awhile and then there was sunshine I would have been okay, but I can't handle these days where the sun never comes out!!
There was a fire in the building where my classes were today, apparently it was small because they were able to do whatever had to be done and then unfortunately I had to go to my last class. It is okay though because I really like that class.
I went into my Stats class this morning and my boss was in there! It was really weird. I guess she is taking classes at night to further her education and she had to come to the one during the day for some reason. We talked for awhile afterward, it was kind of weird.
I am now up at school again. I have a film class on tuesday nights. I don't remember what film we are watching tonight but it is probably weird, and it is probably rated R if the pattern of movies we watch in that class repeats itself.
thats it...a pretty boring day. It would have been more exciting were there sunlight!!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Monday, February 26, 2007
Officers wives are so stuck up.....
I was invited by the wife of the commanding officer of the base (that's supposed to be impressive) to go to a meeting earlier today. The wife of the chief of naval operations was visiting and wanted to meet with the spouses of different level people on base here in Lemoore. It proved to be slightly entertaining. We started talking about the air quality here and how there needs to be some kind of warning or symptom check given to families when they move in and stuff like that. The conversation then turned to the community-feel here on base. A couple women were pretty funny talking about how there was a flyer in the newspaper for a social being held for officers wives to attend. She said, "Well, just because my husband is enlisted, I can't go to this??" (She was very animated.) The CNO's wife was quick to point out the socials for enlisted wives and how officers aren't invited and so forth. She was quiet then.
This may seem kind of boring to you, but it was interesting to me. This was kind of the first time I've been in a situation where there were high level people and lower level people together. I found it interesting how unrespectful some of the wives were. None of them were really rude or anything, but they kept interrupting and stuff. I always thought that I wouldn't ever get caught up in the politics of things (for example-treating people differently who are different ranks, etc...), but I have to say I was a little intimidated by some of the people there.
There's my thought for the day. Military life is strange...........
This may seem kind of boring to you, but it was interesting to me. This was kind of the first time I've been in a situation where there were high level people and lower level people together. I found it interesting how unrespectful some of the wives were. None of them were really rude or anything, but they kept interrupting and stuff. I always thought that I wouldn't ever get caught up in the politics of things (for example-treating people differently who are different ranks, etc...), but I have to say I was a little intimidated by some of the people there.
There's my thought for the day. Military life is strange...........
work work work
Hello all, I am at work today, at lunch right now, and I have exactly three minutes before I am supposed to be back on the unit. Today has been really tiring. There is a patient here who literally demands my attention every second. If I do anything for anyone else she gets really mad as is like "WHY DO THEY GET WHATEVER THEY WANT, WHEN THEY WANT IT?!" I keep trying to remind her that she is getting more than anyone else, but of course she can't see that. She loves me one second and then is screaming in my face to F#$% off. It is really great.
Things are going well, Lindsay and I did our taxes and it looks like we are going to be getting a bunch back so that is exciting. We are worried that George's toungue is attatched to the bottom of his mouth, we are going to go in and have the dr. look at it. He hates church already, I never see any of church, I am in the hall with him almost the whole time!
Three minutes up! Gotta run!
Things are going well, Lindsay and I did our taxes and it looks like we are going to be getting a bunch back so that is exciting. We are worried that George's toungue is attatched to the bottom of his mouth, we are going to go in and have the dr. look at it. He hates church already, I never see any of church, I am in the hall with him almost the whole time!
Three minutes up! Gotta run!
Friday, February 23, 2007
Ghost Rider

We went and Saw Ghost Rider tonight. It was really cool. I enjoyed it almost as much as Spider Man. It has a darker plot and involves evil spirits and the Devil. The Ghost Rider uses his power too defeat the bad people and spirits so it has a good defeating evil plot. In that respect it was very much like every other Super hero flick. Go see it, but don't take the kids. Don't see it if evil spirit plots creep you out.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Too close to home....
Well, the past 12 hours has been a bit of an eye opener for me. We found out yesterday evening that our neighbor, Ernesto Padilla, is going to Iraq on an IA billet. Ernesto is a CEC officer just like Jason. Some of you may be saying, what the heck is an IA billet. I'm still learning all of this stuff, but basically the CEC naval community has to fill so many (I think about 100) IA billets at a time. So that means around 100 CEC officer are always in Iraq. Rumor has it (gossip runs wild here at NAS Lemoore) that Jason and Ernesto were both in the running for having to go, but Jason is too young. Ensigns cannot fill the IA billets. Unfortunately, Jason can't stay an Ensign forever. He'll be a Lieutenant Junior Grade in October and then he is most definitely up for grabs.
Right now, Jason's plan is to try and get into a battalion either in San Diego or Port Hueneme. The battalions deploy, but Jason tells me it's safer and the experience is much better. When you are in a battalion tour, you can't get chosen for an IA. The battalions go a lot of different places, like Africa, Afghanistan, but most are in the Middle East. The main reason Jason wants to go to the battalion is so that he can go to graduate school following his tour. (You have to be in a battalion before you can apply to go to grad. school.)
So, today has been a little nerve racking. I know there's no sense in worrying about it now, but so much unknown is hard to take. I guess I need to start educating myself on the war. Any suggestions??
Right now, Jason's plan is to try and get into a battalion either in San Diego or Port Hueneme. The battalions deploy, but Jason tells me it's safer and the experience is much better. When you are in a battalion tour, you can't get chosen for an IA. The battalions go a lot of different places, like Africa, Afghanistan, but most are in the Middle East. The main reason Jason wants to go to the battalion is so that he can go to graduate school following his tour. (You have to be in a battalion before you can apply to go to grad. school.)
So, today has been a little nerve racking. I know there's no sense in worrying about it now, but so much unknown is hard to take. I guess I need to start educating myself on the war. Any suggestions??
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Catching Up
Hopefully these pictures work, I am just trying to figure out this whole blogging thing and it doesn't really help much that the computer that I am on is really slow, but I think it should work alright.
HEY! Things have been going pretty normal here with Lindsay and George and I. We didn't really do much for Valentines day, we just watched some videos of our musicals from High school, Lindsay has gotten skinnier and prettier, and I have gotten uglier and fatter...kind of annoying.
School is going pretty well, except for that I HATE my statistics class, and I am in a film class where we watch rated R movies pretty much every week, usually it is just because of language though and so I guess that it easier to ignore, most of them have actually been pretty good, and if you just edited out the language I would like to see them again.
Some cool news: I entered the NATS (national association of teachers of singing) voice competition and I won first place in my division! I think I get some money and then I sing in this winners concert in the assembly hall at temple square...its kind of cool.
The concert is the day before we leave to go to CALIFORNIA! We are going to visit Maggie and Jason over spring break, we are getting excited!
Not much new, now that I know how to do all of this, I will be able to keep you posted on more daily things! I love you all!
(never mind on the picture thing, I'll have to try it again later!)
HEY! Things have been going pretty normal here with Lindsay and George and I. We didn't really do much for Valentines day, we just watched some videos of our musicals from High school, Lindsay has gotten skinnier and prettier, and I have gotten uglier and fatter...kind of annoying.
School is going pretty well, except for that I HATE my statistics class, and I am in a film class where we watch rated R movies pretty much every week, usually it is just because of language though and so I guess that it easier to ignore, most of them have actually been pretty good, and if you just edited out the language I would like to see them again.
Some cool news: I entered the NATS (national association of teachers of singing) voice competition and I won first place in my division! I think I get some money and then I sing in this winners concert in the assembly hall at temple square...its kind of cool.
The concert is the day before we leave to go to CALIFORNIA! We are going to visit Maggie and Jason over spring break, we are getting excited!
Not much new, now that I know how to do all of this, I will be able to keep you posted on more daily things! I love you all!
(never mind on the picture thing, I'll have to try it again later!)
What's new down on the farm
Here is the latest and greatest on Gramps. On Monday, this week, he hitchhiked his way to Lynn Woods, thinking that Dad had taken the truck in for repairs. He had his credit card out, ready to pay for it and take it, when low and behold, the truck was not there!!!! He proceeded to try and buy any of the trucks there for $5000-. They figured out who he was and brought him home and called Matt. I forgot to say, that before this Gramps tried to throw a clock at Dad, and when that didn't work to get the keys, he Zapped!!! Dad. Well, Dad just Zapped him right back.
Dad has found a kind of assisted living/rest home. They have 24 hour watch, but it is not locked down. They have about 10-12 residents. It sounds good, but I just don't want to move Gramps there, and two weeks later........He's baaack! (what movie?)
A doctor today gave him some pills that hopefully will lesson the delusions. They make him tired, so Dad is going to give them to him, instead of his white pills.
If you have any views, let us know. It is a quandry what to do!
Dad has found a kind of assisted living/rest home. They have 24 hour watch, but it is not locked down. They have about 10-12 residents. It sounds good, but I just don't want to move Gramps there, and two weeks later........He's baaack! (what movie?)
A doctor today gave him some pills that hopefully will lesson the delusions. They make him tired, so Dad is going to give them to him, instead of his white pills.
If you have any views, let us know. It is a quandry what to do!
End of the Road
This is my last day here at ol' Affinity Banking. My boss and her boss have given me a beautiful bouquet of flowers. They are very nice. Now that I am leaving there may be more work coming to this position. For awhile, the news made me doubt my decision, but I am happy now to be going to the new job.
I hope you had all had a good Valentine's Day. Dad and I went to the show with Drew Barrymore and Hugh Grant. It was very good. Funny, pretty clean. I give it 4 ****.
Everyone have a good long weekend. I will write about Grandpa's new antics afterwhile.
I hope you had all had a good Valentine's Day. Dad and I went to the show with Drew Barrymore and Hugh Grant. It was very good. Funny, pretty clean. I give it 4 ****.
Everyone have a good long weekend. I will write about Grandpa's new antics afterwhile.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Do P.E. teachers walk different?
Okay, so it's yet another post from me. My kids are napping (rarely do they nap at the same time), so I have a few minutes to just chill. Back off.....I'm not lazy, I just really like the blogging thing.
Anyways, back to the reason I'm posting. A funny/annoying (I haven't decided how I feel about it) thing happened at Enrichment last night. All of us women had started on our valentines craft and I had gone to wash my hands. On my way back into the gym, I pass Sis. Neihus (a woman in her late 60's, kinda weird, but really nice). After I've walked past, she says my name and walks over to me. She then asks, "Are you a P.E. teacher?" I explain to her that my degree is in Physical Education and that I coached soccer for a couple years. She then says, "You look like a P.E. teacher." A little taken back, I said, "Yeah, well I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not, most people didn't like their P.E. teachers." She concluded with, "No, no. You look like a nice person." The conversation ended there. The ironic part (if I'm using the word correctly) is that I was a little offended by the question, but I am a licensed P.E. teacher. I guess what bugs me is that I saw her watch me as I walked in and then she came and talked to me. Do I walk like a P.E. teacher? How does a P.E. teacher walk? I was already feeling a little mannish (I made that word up) and the conversation didn't help much. I'll just tell myself that she noticed my super dooper toned body and my obvious coordination (with crafts??) and just sensed it. Although, I wish she had asked, "What do you do for a living?" Call me crazy, but I don't want to be the type of person who sends out a "P.E. teacher" vibe. Fit vibe, athletic vibe, sporty vibe...all good, but P.E. teacher vibe--not so great.
Anyways, back to the reason I'm posting. A funny/annoying (I haven't decided how I feel about it) thing happened at Enrichment last night. All of us women had started on our valentines craft and I had gone to wash my hands. On my way back into the gym, I pass Sis. Neihus (a woman in her late 60's, kinda weird, but really nice). After I've walked past, she says my name and walks over to me. She then asks, "Are you a P.E. teacher?" I explain to her that my degree is in Physical Education and that I coached soccer for a couple years. She then says, "You look like a P.E. teacher." A little taken back, I said, "Yeah, well I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not, most people didn't like their P.E. teachers." She concluded with, "No, no. You look like a nice person." The conversation ended there. The ironic part (if I'm using the word correctly) is that I was a little offended by the question, but I am a licensed P.E. teacher. I guess what bugs me is that I saw her watch me as I walked in and then she came and talked to me. Do I walk like a P.E. teacher? How does a P.E. teacher walk? I was already feeling a little mannish (I made that word up) and the conversation didn't help much. I'll just tell myself that she noticed my super dooper toned body and my obvious coordination (with crafts??) and just sensed it. Although, I wish she had asked, "What do you do for a living?" Call me crazy, but I don't want to be the type of person who sends out a "P.E. teacher" vibe. Fit vibe, athletic vibe, sporty vibe...all good, but P.E. teacher vibe--not so great.
With love, Rocky Balboa
Happy Valentines Day, all. I hope you're having a good one. I wish more of you would post more often. I guess I'm the only pathetic one with the time. Oh well.......
Anyways, the pics are of the card that Jason gave me today. I thought it was hilarious, so I thought I would share. I knew you guys would appreciate it. You can't read what Jason wrote on it very well......he said, "You ROCKy my world. You are a knock out of a wife....." I laughed hard!!
Monday, February 12, 2007
2 New Chompers!

Graham got these new teeth a little over a week ago. He's doing pretty good, although he likes to eat his hand even more (if you can imagine). He still has the dreaded cough that won't go away, but he's as happy as can be. He rolls over every once in a while, but doesn't like to be on his belly too long.
Sunny San Diego

Hello all! I just wanted to post some of our pics from our little trip to San Diego. We had a good time, although we were ready to come home to our 3 bedroom home and escape the studio hotel room. The kids and I had fun playing at the beach while Jason was in class. Graham just sat in the stroller and laughed at us playing. It was only about 65 degrees, but Lucy insisted on wearing her swimsuit and she played in the water for a couple hours at a time. One evening we were all at the beach and she was chasing a seagull and said, "I'm gonna catch that chicken!"
We went out to eat every night (courtesy of the US Navy) and went bowling on Wednesday. Lucy wanted to be sure that we let her bowl by herself. We would walk up with her and she kept telling us to back up further and further until we were nowhere near her.
Lucy has been so funny! She gave a talk in primary last week where she talked about all the beautiful things that Jesus made for us and we've had a few family home evenings on the topic, so now she always says, "Look at what Jesus made for us!" Yesterday she and Jason were making brownies and she wanted to taste the cocoa. Jason told it would be gross, but she insisted. After she ate it, she said, "Why does Heavenly Father make things taste yucky?" She's had quite a few one liners that we're trying to remember to write down for later.
Friday, February 09, 2007
What's New with this Guy? We wanna Know!
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Movin' on
Well, I put my two weeks notice in here at Affinity Banking. I am moving on or maybe back to the Antelope Branch in Layton.
I am excited to have a job with lots of work and less hours!!! Hopefully, my mind and feet hold out!
I am excited to have a job with lots of work and less hours!!! Hopefully, my mind and feet hold out!
Monday, February 05, 2007
My turn...
Hello everyone!
I am starting this blog thing now too. I should have plenty of time to write things in it when I am at school and occasionally at work so it should be a good thing, and will keep you up to date on all the information I know you are all dying to know about in my life, since I am everyone's favorite.
Things are going good today. I am working. I is kind of a boring day, but I am glad because the techs in the other units are having really hard days. My patients are all really calm and easy going, a bit needy at times, but good.
George and Lindsay are doing great. George was freaking out yesterday at mom and dads. I think he is just a homebody, he calmed down a lot once we got him home. I think he might be teething too, which of course will be SO much fun!
Speaking of teething, I have a lousy dentist appointment this month that is gonna cost me an arm and a leg...I'm really excited about that too. Anyway, I'll write more later...I hope everyone is doing well. I love you all.
I am starting this blog thing now too. I should have plenty of time to write things in it when I am at school and occasionally at work so it should be a good thing, and will keep you up to date on all the information I know you are all dying to know about in my life, since I am everyone's favorite.
Things are going good today. I am working. I is kind of a boring day, but I am glad because the techs in the other units are having really hard days. My patients are all really calm and easy going, a bit needy at times, but good.
George and Lindsay are doing great. George was freaking out yesterday at mom and dads. I think he is just a homebody, he calmed down a lot once we got him home. I think he might be teething too, which of course will be SO much fun!
Speaking of teething, I have a lousy dentist appointment this month that is gonna cost me an arm and a leg...I'm really excited about that too. Anyway, I'll write more later...I hope everyone is doing well. I love you all.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Friday, February 02, 2007
They Kept Good Company
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